Monday, October 15, 2012

Clean Unnecessary file By Notepad

Hello How are you? I hope you are very well. Anyway now come to the point. Today i will show you a simple computer tips. After using your computer, many unnecessary files are created which files will slow your computer. This files are following bellow.

1. %Temp%

2. Recent

3. History

4. Temporary

5. Microsoft Office Recent

6. Temporary Internet Files

7. system32\1054

8. prefect

9. Cookies

10. Offline Web Pages

11. system32\wbem\Logs etc.

To clean these files we use many software. If you want to clean these files, you can use a batch file. I am showing you how to create a batch file by using notepad. If you want to learn, please follow my bellow procedures.

1. Right click on your desktop -->> Click New -->> Text Document
2. Open the Text Document.
3. Copy the bellow code then paste it into the Text Document.

@echo off


del "C:\WINDOWS\Temp" /s /q
del "C:\Documents and Settings\User_Name\Recent" /s /q
del "c:\Documents and Settings\User_Name\local settings\temp" /s /q
del "c:\Documents and Settings\User_Name\local settings\history" /s /q
del "c:\Documents and Settings\User_Name\local settings\temporary" /s /q
del "C:\Documents and Settings\User_Name\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Recent" /s /q
del "C:\Documents and Settings\User_Name\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files" /s /q
del "C:\WINDOWS\system32\1054" /s /q
del "c:\windows\prefects" /s /q
del "C:\Program Files\Uninstall Information" /s /q
del "c:\Documents and Settings\User_Name\Cookies" /s /q
del "C:\WINDOWS\Offline Web Pages" /s/q
del "C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch" /s/q
del "C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\Logs\*.log" /s/q
del "C:\WINDOWS\*.log" /s/q
msg %username% "Remover - By User_Name "

5. Now exchange user name by your computer log in name. If you don't know what is you computer log in name, right click on My computer then click properties you will see your log in name.

Now save it by this name "Clear.bat" and select file type All.
Now you can clean all unnecessary  file from your computer by clicking your created file which name is "Clear.bat"

Enjoy your self.