Sunday, September 9, 2012

Add a Personal Message In The Windows Welcome Screen

Today I want to show you how to add a personal message in the windows welcome screen. If you want to set your won message in the windows welcome screen, please follow the procedure below and add any message what you want.

1. Click Start -->> Run-->> Type Regedit then press enter.

2. Now double click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE--->> double click SOFTWARE--->> Double click Microsoft --->> Windows NT --->> Current Version --->> Winlogon.

3. Now from the right side double click on LegalNoticeText. Now open a new window. Write your won masseg into the Value data box then click OK.

4. Now reboot your computer and see the result.


Go to Winlogon then double click on LegalNoticeText. Now remove your won message what you wright before. Click OK and then restart your computer.