Friday, May 23, 2014

Top 10 Interesting and Secret Facebook tricks

Top 10 Interesting and Secret Facebook tricks

Top 10 Interesting and Secret Facebook tricks

Facebook is popular used social media.You can facilitate chatting with your friends in real time.Except chatting,sharing videos,uploading photos,uploading status,there are many secret tricks about facebook.This post will aware you about these secret tricks which are given below.

1) How to add custom anchor text on Facebook updates: 
This Facebook trick is famous among Facebook page admins. They usually use custom anchor text like “continue reading” or “See more” to get redirected users to desired Facebook page. We can also tag any page using this trick. The overall advantage of this is that user can’t know about the page until he/she clicks on the link.Follow below steps to enjoy this tricks

i) Copy below code and paste it to new status update box.

@@[0:[YOURPAGEID:1:Custom Anchor Text]]
ii) Replace “YOURPAGEID” with your Facebook fan page ID and “Custom Anchor Text” with Desired anchor text.

iii) You have done.Enjoy this J

2) How to view locked Facebook images in full size:
Many peoples lock their Facebook albums to hide them from public.Locking images not allow you to enlarge the images and you can not save them.There is a facebook trick which allows you to enlarge and save the lock image.Follow given below steps. 

i) Open the locked image in new tab.

ii) Now just remove s160x160 from the url and press enter. Now you can see the locked Facebook photos in full size.

3) Use Facebook profile pictures as chat emotions: 
This attribute introduced by Facebook in 2011 by which we can use profile pictures as Facebook chat emotions.To enjoy this trick follow below steps.

i. copy and paste [[username]] in chat box and replace username with desired Facebook username or profile id.Do not forget to enter double bracket around user name for example. Poker face: [[129627277060203]]

ii. Press enter.You enterd code will be changed to profile picture.

4) Download facebook album in single click: 
There is a service named “facebook2zip” Which allows you to download complete Facebook photo album in single click. To use facebook2zip 
                                                  click here

5) Hide Facebook advertisements: 
Facebook is a big source to earn money by advertisements.Many users do not like these advertisements by Facebook. So if you are one of the Facebook users among those users then no need to worry about those advertisements anymore. There is a method known as facebook cleaner by which we can hide advertisements from Facebook.Click below link to hide advertisement on facebook.
                                      facebook cleaner 

6) Use Facebook without internet connection:
You can use Facebook without internet connection; even you can use Facebook on Stone Age mobile phones with no internet connectivity or browser ability. You can facilitate facebook without internet connection by “FoneTwish”.
It’s a USSD based service by which we can access Facebook using message or flash based screen. With FoneTwish we can enjoy Facebook as like browsers. Facebook through USSD is only available in specific countries.

i. To use Facebook through foneTwish dial *325# on your mobile phone. You will be able to use facebook without internet connection.

7) Integrate Facebook toolbar with Browser: 
So for all Facebook is available in Mozilla Firefox market by which you can access Facebook from browser’s toolbar. So now onwards while surfing internet you don’t have to switch browser tabs or windows in order to check your notifications or messages.
To download Facebook toolbar for Mozilla Firefox follow below link.
                                       Download Tool Bar.

8) Create fake Facebook wall posts:
This trick allows you to make a fake facebook wall post which look like real.Follow below link to create fake Facebook wall.

9) Get notification when someone un-friend you on facebook: 
 By default if some one unfriend you,you never notified.There is a trick which will inform you if someone unfrien you. “Unfriend alert chrome” add on can help you and notify you when someone removes you on Facebook. To install un-friend alert to chrome click here.

10) Enjoy Live TV on Facebook: 
Pepole amuse yourself by using facebook as well as by watching TV.Now you can enjoy both TV and facebook at same time. This is amazing and tricky.” Facebook dream TV” Dream App made it possible to talk with friends on Facebook as well as enjoy TV at a same time. You can use Dream TV Facebook application from given below link to enjoy watching live TV on Facebook.
                                         Facebook Dream TV

If you have any other Facebook tricks in mind, Please share it in comments.